Memor-i Studio
WHAT WE DO -> PROJECTS -> Memor-i Studio
WHAT WE DO -> PROJECTS -> Memor-i Studio
We created a series of electronic games (Memor-i) designed for blind children and offered them free of charge.
These games were also utilized by people with dementia and elderly with limited vision, as well as general schools.
Dozens of educational or simply fun games are already available.
Available in various languages.
Create your own Memor-i game without any programming knowledge.
It’s the well-known memory game: find pairs of the same cards among a number of flipped cards.
Only this time, the game is designed for the needs of people with limited vision or blindness. The cards are also auditory; the controls are designed to serve people with blindness and much more!
Find free Memor-i games.
Create your own Memor-i game without any programming knowledge.
Learn and have fun without limitations.
In 2015, we achieved something that had never been done before in Greece:
We built 3 electronic games specifically designed for blind people and offered them free of charge to thousands of eagerly awaiting children.
The response was amazing.
The children asked us to continue, and so we did.
Working with blind children and their teachers, we learned that the need for such games is great. There aren’t any quality electronic games for these children. They are being denied something basic: the right to play and to learn through playing. At the same time, they’re unfamiliar with computers and aren’t helped enough to develop important abilities in time.
The games are now also used by elderly adults and their support providers.
”Noah’s Ark”: the fun game that started it all.
Music, Language, Geography, and Mythology games that support the work of educators.
Seminars to professionals.
Tastes to occupational therapy students.
Presentations in conventions.