CODE Europe


  • We launched the biggest Crowd-sourcing campaign about air quality in Europe, where for one year, we asked European citizens for their opinion.
  • 4 operating platforms that functioned consecutively were created to:

    collect problems,

    propose solutions based on the problems,

    rank these solutions, and

    policy proposals sorting by European citizens for the air quality in their cities

  • A complete policy proposal was drafted based on the results of the above-mentioned campaign.
  • A social listening process is taking place where they gather citizen opinions and ideas for improving air quality, with the goal of drafting a road map for similar Crowdsourcing actions.
  • They are preparing for the dissemination of the results to even more European countries through InfoHub for results in issues of:

    Air quality in urban environments, and


Utilize it:

The final reports are undergoing a drafting process. They will be published immediately upon completion.

Do European citizens feel they are solution co-producers in air quality matters? The main objective of the CODE Europe (Co-Deciding Europe) project is to lay the groundwork for policy co-creation and encourage e-participation through e-democracy tools with air quality improvement as a central focus.

  • Crowdsourcing campaign from the collection of citizens opinions through the platforms of:

    Problem Mapping: The citizens identify problems.

    Problems Solving: The citizens propose solutions to the “air quality” problems they’ve mapped in the first phase (Problem Mapping).

    Idea Selection: The citizens evaluate the solutions proposed in the 2nd Phase (Problems Solution) in order to highlight the most popular ideas and indicate the priorities to European policy-makers.

    Policy-making: Based on the previous phases, the citizens make policy proposals for air quality with the help of specialists in the field and the European Environment Agency, the project’s main partner.

  • Digital Control Panel for social listening concerning air quality.
  • e-Participation Evaluation Framework & Ethical Guidelines for Social Listening, aiming to answer two key questions:

    How can we define the success of an e-participation project?

    How can we be sure we’re doing online social listening in an ethical way?

  • Dissemination and Awareness events for citizens in issues of e-participation.
  • Policy recommendations in participation and air quality issues.


This project is funded by a € 1.316.367,00 grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation. The aim of the project is to develop and test in real life an innovative model for citizen engagement in public policy decision-making based on enhanced tools for e-participation and digital democracy.

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