SciFY, together with 8 other organizations and universities:

  • developed a complete Artificial Intelligence and soft skills educational program.
  • created a cooperative and interactive platform where university students will be trained through theoretical and practical exercises and will have the opportunity to cooperate with other students.
  • pilot-trained medical students from 4 European countries.
  • run a pilot program where the students being trained had to cooperate to address 10 medical challenges with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence.
  • are working so that this program is included in other Universities in Europe as well.

Utilize it:

The project is still in progress.

  • From a survey we conducted among medical professors and students from 5 European countries, we found that:

    45% know nothing about Artificial Intelligence,

    84% believe that they need to further develop their soft skills.

  • European universities don’t have an educational program aimed at the needs of medical students where Artificial Intelligence is concerned.

The project is still in progress; here are the results so far:

  • Survey Results for Artificial Intelligence and Soft Skills in Medicine (link)
  • Guidelines of skills & educational journey (link)
  • Educational material developed (link)


This project is funded by Erasmus+ under KeyAction 2 (KA2), Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, funded by the European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

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