Academy Events

WHAT WE DO -> PROJECTS -> Academy Events

Speeches, conventions, hands-on sessions, presentations, etc. that bring together specialists from various fields to share their outstanding achievements in an understandable way.

From 2015 to today, there are thousands of beneficiaries of SciFY Academy!

Whom we address:

  • Students and Scientists from various fields: So that scientists can share and utilize knowledge from other areas without barriers. Often, each science stays in its own field, while it could use knowledge from different fields with excellent results.
  • Company executives and entrepreneurs: To enable business people to learn and exploit precious knowledge to innovate.
  • Everyone: So that society can digest knowledge and understand how it changes our lives.

Register for our upcoming seminars here

Explore the Library: See more here

  • To give learning opportunities to everyone
  • To give the floor to scientists to show their work in an understandable way
  • To give networking opportunities to companies and scientists
  • So that we all participate in knowledge dissemination and formation

There are thousands of beneficiaries of SciFY Academy!
…and we continue our actions…

Register for our upcoming seminars here

Explore the Library: See more here

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