Research Institutes and Universities

WHOM WE SUPPORT > Research Institutes and Universities

Partnerships with Multiplicative Effect

What we offer

  • Innovating in the dissemination of research results

    Communication / Dissemination through innovative ways (events, games, workshops, websites, etc.)

  • Research results exploitation

    Development of applications that are used in daily life

    Exploitation plans

  • Innovating in Artificial Intelligence and Information Technologies research
  • Strengthening financial proposals with AI, ICT, gaming, Dissemination and Exploitation activities.
  • Enriching educational activities


  • Communication & networking
  • Innovation Management & Product development Guidance
  • Gaming & gamification
  • Software & AI solutions
  • Innovative Education & Skills development
  • Fundraising support

Indicative results

  • Thousands of people in our dissemination events (SciFY Academy)
  • Tens of thousands of users that utilize the research
  • International distinctions for actions of education, Dissemination, and Exploitation
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