Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Institutional Framework

library > Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Institutional Framework

As part of the SciFY Academy initiative, the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of NSCR Demokritos and SciFY organized an online event on “Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Institutional Framework” on Thursday, July 2nd, 2020.

Dr. Xenia Ziouvelou Researcher & Innovation Officer, Institute of Informatics and of Telecommunications, NCSR Demokritos Presentation subject: Artificial Intelligence: Ethical & Strategic Perspectives

Dr. Lilian Mitrou Professor in the University of the Aegean, President of the Institute for Privacy, Data Protection, and Technology (European Public Law Organisation) Presentation subject: The ‘regulation’ of Artificial Intelligence or the Collingridge dilemma

Dr. Dimitris Kyriazanos Third level researcher, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications NCSR Demokritos Presentation subject: Artificial Intelligence and Security Research: the European approach to innovation & trust

See the video here

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