LinkedIn – Personal Profile & Company Page

library > LinkedIn – Personal Profile & Company Page

SciFY Academy

Introductory Seminar on the Use of LinkedIn for Individuals and Organizations

On Wednesday, November 18th, 2015, over 120 people attended the 6th SciFY Academy that took place at INNOVATHENS. Α very dynamic start for the new academic year’s SciFY Academy with Maria Pafioli, founder and head of the CV Writing & Career Consulting company CVexperts, who practically introduced us to LinkedIn.

Ioanna Theodorou, founding member of the Startupboat initiative, opened the event by speaking about their action and explaining to us how they help with the immigration crisis under the prism of technology and innovation.

In the event’s second part, Maria Pafioli introduced us to LinkedIn and guided us through the possibilities it offers us, as well as its evolution globally and in Greece over the last two years. She then presented us with the 3 stages that separate us from other LinkedIn users (degree of separation) in contrast to other social networks and presented the advantages and disadvantages of premium accounts.

She also mentioned the right way to approach professional communities that interest us and project our professional profile and the mistakes we should avoid. She shared with us many practical advice as well as tips ‘n’ tricks that help us create and develop our professional presence on LinkedIn, such as the use of SEO and free learning webinars.

In the last part, there was a discussion about when to create a personal profile and when to create a company page, followed by a presentation of good – and bad – practices regarding company pages. In closing, Maria Pafioli spoke of the possibilities LinkedIn gives to non-profit organizations for their networking and volunteering and urged us to use it practically by giving us the name of the LinkedIn profile as the only way to communicate with her.

To watch the full 6th SciFY Academy event, click here. To stay informed about future SciFY Academy events, you can register here.

We’d like to thank the guest speakers, CVexperts, INNOVATHENS, Startupboat, and all of our friends that attended the event and once again contributed to the realization of our vision for the free diffusion of knowledge!

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