Innovating for Privacy

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SciFY Academy - Innovating for Privacy
In the context of the 2nd SciFY Academy, SciFY, together with EEL/LAK, Oikomedia, and INNOVATHENS, co-organize the two-day “Innovating for Privacy” event on Friday, April 3rd (17:00-21:00) and Saturday, April 4th (11:00-17:00).
We invite you to discuss issues of privacy, personal data security, and the solutions offered by open software. Activists, entrepreneurs, information security specialists, developers, and executives of open software projects from the international and Greek world will participate in the two-day event, with the aim of presenting all sides of the issue, the constructive synthesis of opinions, and highlighting emerging innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities.
On Friday, there will be presentations and speeches from distinguished international speakers, while on Saturday, a discussion will be organized to present all sides of the issue, as well as workshops to demonstrate good practices, technologies, and approaches to data security for journalists, developers, and citizens in general.

Pre-registration Required: here
More information: here

1st Day: Friday 03/04, 17:00-21:00
17:00-19:00 1st Session: Privacy and Data Ownership, present and future in a Big Data world
19:00-19:15 Break
19:15-21:00 2nd Session: Privacy and Data Ownership, Best Practices and Technology Enablers.
21:00 Drinks & Informal Discussion
2nd Day: Saturday 04/04, 11:00-17:00
11:00-12:30 Discussion Panel, Innovating for Privacy: Issues, Opportunities & Conclusions
12:30-13:00 Break
13:00-14:00 Workshop 1: How to contribute in
14:00-15:00 Workshop 2: Information Security for Journalists
15:00-16:00 Workshop 3: CryptoParty Berlin/Mozilla workshop
16:00-17:00 Workshop 4: Building secure communication applications with Secure instant Messaging Protocols: XMPP, OTR, and latest developments.

*All presentations will be in English.

You can find the detailed program in English here.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • Should we, as citizens, be concerned about the degree of data logging and mining done with or without our consent? Are we as citizens satisfied with the degree of transparency that exists today in widely used services, and what are the risks?
  • How can citizens be better informed about emerging privacy issues? Is privacy, data protection, and security just about journalists and activists or about all of us?
  • What does data ownership mean in the age of social networks? Do we have real control over the data we generate on closed platforms?
  • What can Free and Open Software do about it? Is it a sufficient solution in itself, or do we need additional awareness, additional tools, and new business models?
  • Are there business opportunities in the area beyond the data mining/advertising business model, particularly in terms of the services we use as ordinary users?
  • Are there viable business models that can support privacy services with transparent processes and security?
  • What technologies and infrastructures already exist today that offer a building block for composing communication solutions that are secure and respect our privacy?
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