eLearning Tools & Methodology

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On Tuesday, November 14th, the SciFY team held the 22nd SciFY Academy at INNOVATHENS with the theme: “eLearning: Tools & Methodology”. There, we learned the basics of what eLearning is and saw in practice how we can use it as learners and as instructors.

More than 80 people from the field of education came to the event and attended the seminar where the aim was to highlight the value and practical applications of Electronic Education.

First, Mr. Vassilis Giannakopoulos, Marketing & Impact Manager of SciFY, presented us with the new version of Electronic Games for blind children, Memori Online. In addition to the educational importance of the games, Mr. Giannakopoulos also emphasized the new version’s feature that allows children to play online safely with other players or even with their friends, regardless of whether one or both players are blind or sighted. In recent years, SciFY has focused on education through gamification as well as inclusive gaming. See Mr. Giannakopoulos’ presentation here.

Then, Mr. Yiannis Arapoglou, e-Learning Solutions Architect & Moodle Expert, and General Manager of WIDE Services, talked about the modern and asynchronous trends of e-Learning and presented us with use cases, tools, and good practices of how companies and all kinds of educational organizations use the open-source tool Moodle. SeeMr. Arapoglou’s presentation here.

After that, Dr. Panagiotis Vlamou Professor and Director of the Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Laboratory of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University , spoke shorty, referring to the distance Master’s Program “Bioinformatics and Neuroinformatics” that he directs. We also saw in practice how an eLearning platform works in Higher Education.

Finally, Dr. Spyros Doukakis, educator, academic & professional development consultant at Pierce-American College of Greece, and specialist consultant in the field of teacher training at the Institute of Educational Policy , spoke to us about the differences between eLearning and e-tutoring and informed us about entrepreneurship opportunities in the field of education. In closing, there was a live demo of the eTutoring platform used at Pierce-American College of Greece, where we had the opportunity to chat with children and teachers during their training.

After the presentations, the participants had the opportunity to ask their questions to the speakers, followed by an open discussion with the audience.

A big thank you to INNOVATHENS Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub at Technopolis as well as to all of you who once again contributed to the realization of our vision for the free diffusion of knowledge!

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