Assistive Technologies in Education

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On Friday, September 25th, the 35th SciFY Academy on “Assistive Technologies on Education” took place. Over 100 people watched the event online.

More specifically, Professor Georgios Kouroupetroglou, EKUA Department of Informatics and TelecommunicationsDirector of the Voice and Accessibility Laboratory, Masters and Doctoral Programs , and Head of the Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities, spoke to us about the current situation regarding the training of disabled people in our country and referred to the most important tools currently in use.
Next, Vassilis Giannakopoulos, Marketing and Social Impact Manager of SciFY, talked about the projects that SciFY has realized regarding Education in Assistive Technologies while also presenting specific tools and actions.
Finally, Dr. Harald Weber, CEO & Deputy Scientific Director of the Institute for Technology and Work “Institut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V.” , explained to us through his speech how technologies can assist or hinder inclusive education. A discussion followed about whether assistive technologies help increase inclusion, and we tried to determine whether, in the end, pedagogy should be given more weight over technology or vice versa.

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