Technology in Ancient Greece

library > Technology in Ancient Greece

Underrated until a few years ago, ancient Greek and Hellenistic technology was the theme of the 23rd SciFY Academy on Thursday, January 25th, 2018, at INNOVATHENS.

Professor Theodosis Tasios led us on a fascinating historical journey from mythology to the beginnings of the Roman Empire.

Ancient Greek culture is imbued with a love of technology that expresses itself practically in its impressive development in dozens of different fields.

Favored by the social and economic conditions of the time, the ingenuity of the Greeks gave us amazing examples of technological innovation and its application at every level – from toys to large-scale construction projects.

War machines, river diversions, measuring devices, aqueducts, automata, mining, medicine, machine components, telecommunications, pumps, shipbuilding, and dozens more make up an ever-growing list, culminating in the marvelous Antikythera Mechanism.

You can watch Mr. Tasios’s full presentation here.

A big thank you to INNOVATHENS, the Herakleidon Museum, EMAET, and all of you who once again contributed to the realization of our vision for the free diffusion of knowledge!

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