Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Legal Framework

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On Thursday, July 2nd, the 34th SciFY Academy on “Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Legal Framework” took place, in partnership with the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos. Over 90 people watched the event online, which you can watch here:
More specifically, Dr. Xenia ZiouvelouResearcher & Innovation Officer at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos, Visiting Academic at the University of Southampton as well as Scientific Committee Member at AI4People and Atomium- European Institute for Science, Media, and Democracy (EISMD), introduced us to the institutional international strategic landscape regarding Artificial Intelligence, through her speech “ Artificial Intelligence: Ethical & Strategic Perspectives”.
Then, Dr. Lilian Mitrou, Professor at the University of the Aegean and President of the Institute for Privacy, Data Protection and Technology (European Public Law Organization), in her speech entitled “The “regulation” of Artificial Intelligence or Collingridge Dilemma“, explained to us the legal and regulatory implications of the matter.

Finally, Dr. Dimitris Kyriazanos, Level 3 Researcher, IPT – NCSR Demokritos, in his speech “Artificial Intelligence and Research in Security: the European Approach for Innovation & Trust“, talked about how the emergence of Artificial Intelligence as one of the most disruptive technologies comes with significant potential and advantages for the protection and security of European citizens, etc.

In order not to miss any SciFY Academy, you can register here to be immediately notified about our next seminars.

A big thank you to INNOVATHENS as well as to all of you who once again contributed to the realization of our vision for the free diffusion of knowledge!

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